All my life i have seen people around me cribbing for one reason or the other.For reasons as trivial as life going a certain way when they would have wanted it go some other way.For complaining all our lives about life not being perfect.We have all at some point in our lives have done this.So it all comes down to 'life being perfect'?But then what is perfect after all?A perception?A dream?Or a reality so blatantly true and naked that we end up denying its existence even if it is staring us in our eyes all our lives.
This world is a celebration of imperfection.Every single day things happen around us which by no means can be called perfect.But they happen.And probably for a reason.To show us that our very existence,our very lives and this world around us is the most apt example of perfection.Perfection in existence.Perfection in reality.Acceptance of happenings around us without the prejudice of 'right' and 'wrong','good' or 'bad' maybe the first step towards acceptance of an idea of perfection.By no means am i trying to suggest that we should succumb to everything that is happening around us in the name of what is popularly known as 'fate'.For fate is what you choose.Everyone chooses their own fate.
But unfortunately our perception of good and bad,perfect and imperfect,right and wrong has become the longest running opinion poll in the history of mankind.An opinion poll with infinite questions and even more opinions.Everyone has the right to vote.And the votes are being counted by our faceless society every second.And the opinion with the maximum votes becomes the 'right' or 'good' in the usual sense of speaking.Its a plague that has curbed the flight of mankind for a really long time.So many great ideas were brought down crashing to the ground just because the majority of people then were too immature to understand its importance and depth.So it was voted out.There have been from time to time people,who can be called great in the true sense,cause they defied the popular notion and believed in their ideals even after being labelled 'wrong' or 'unnecessarily revolutionary'.Some of them were vindicated later but not many.An idea or the fact that man can give birth to something as original as an idea is perfect in itself,its implications on society not withstanding.So till the time our basic idea of 'right' and 'wrong' is chained by the opinion of the billions around us,our perceptions will remain clouded and distorted.
The very idea of human being perfect is rejected with such ferocity in our so called society that one wonders if we too belong to the same race.We have all but surrendered to the fact that man is as flawed as he can be.The comments like 'You are 'only' human' or 'Its in human nature to make mistakes' are not rare at all.All our mistakes are attributed to us being essentially faulty and yet all our glories are a result of 'luck' or something up there that we just cant explain.Anything but us.Anything but human.Why is it that we choose to ignore the world around us that we have built with our own hands.Why is being pathetically humble held in such high regards?I am not saying man should start worshipping the human race itself but credit should be given where it is long due.Any mention of human perfection is fought bravely by man himself with a million examples of pain and sorrow in this world caused by our actions.If only some of these efforts were directed towards solving some of those problems,the world would be a better place to live.
Acceptance of life as it is given to us and living it to the fullest is all that is asked of us.It cant be very complicated can it be?The human spirit is not to be limited by laws and boundaries created by a society afraid of its own glorious potential.A society that is so afraid of man's limitless potential that it curbs it by making walls and ceilings around it in the name of 'good' and 'bad','right' and 'wrong','perfect' and 'imperfect'...'man' and 'god'.
There is only one life to live.Only one life to love.The celebration of imperfection...
Is there Absolute Truth?
8 years ago
hey gud work nish...reminds me lot f things..keep writin dude..!
gags :)
great work....very aptly put forward honest opinion.....certainly showcases ur writing skills....hope to c more such posts in near future......
blog on!!!
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