Saturday, April 3, 2010


How can one be truly happy? One can be truly happy with a life that
is made up of dreams one has envisioned , one believes in and one
strives to fulfil with one's mid, body and soul. One can be truly happy
if one follows the dream without blindly accepting and giving into the
hurdles the world presents, forces upon us, consciously or
unconsciously, actively or passively, directly or indirectly, openly or
secretively. One can be truly happy if one has experienced the
exhilaration of fighting till the end despite all hardships, without ever
giving up and and then coming out of the other end, bruised but not
broken, tired but not exhausted. For its very easy to accept the
overwhelming will of the world but true fulfillment comes from within.
From realising, chasing dreams we have seen for ourselves and not
the ones the world forces upon us. Every single day I meet people
with goals rather than dreams, people who are content rather than
happy. Life is not really whats under the shade of safety we strive
to create for ourselves, but its really under the glory of sunshine,
its really under the starry nights. I hope and pray you are on this
path of happiness too.